Earn Money doing nothing. Just open your Firefox browser and sit simply by Automate the Money Earning Process.
1) First of all you need Firefox for this to work.You can download it from http://en.www.mozilla.com/en/firefox/
2) Skip this step if u already own an AlertPay accountGo to http://www.alertpay.com/?YMRXT2uIDMGBpzlAJUb7sw%3d%3d and sign up. Create an Alertpay Personal account (This is absolutely free.)
3) Go to http://bux.to/?r=unikaman and register. Please leave name "unikaman" as your referral in your registration. By doing that you will give me points. If you leave textbox REFERRAL empty, then after you register http://www.bux.to/ will sell your account to someone other who pays. So basically you will either way end up as someone's referral. Mine or someone else's.
You make money by simply visiting websites for at least 30 seconds/vist. They will pay you $0.01 for each website you visit and $0.01 for each website your referrals visit. The best part is you can have an unlimited amount of referrals!
4) Make it automatic (basically, leave Firefox open, and you'll make money )
I'll explain how...I have Tried this... Make it Automatic.
Install those 2 Addons(GreaseMonkey and ReloadEvery)
5) Now, go to http://bux.to/surf.php
Right Click Any where on the page > ReloadEvery > EnableRight Click Again > ReloadEvery > CustomSet it to 1minute and 30Seconds. (This means every 1minute and 30 seconds the page will refresh)
6) Next, Install this file (go to the following url in FireFox) http://www.gss.org.yu/bux/bux123.user.js Greasemonkey will ask you to install the file, click 'Install'
7) Now, go back to http://bux.to/surf.php and leave the page open 24/7 and every 1minute and 30seconds the page will refresh, and if a new ad appears, you will automatically click it.